Of love and other drugs
I wake up
Unusually early
Despite the late night Skype sex
I check your last seen
Quickly make a mental note to wake you up seven hours from then
Take a bath
Put a scent
Send you a morning snap to mantain the streak and add a li’ll kink
Open my mail to proofread the essay you need to submit by noon
I am bored
I poke you on FB and nudge you on Hike
I paytm you the money you spent on my flight
It’s going to be noon
And I press another snooze
You don’t answer my call
I login with your credentials
And submit your draft
I take the online quiz for you although I am not that sharp
You send me a good morning when half my day has passed
There is a WhatsApp call made
Where my words are interrupted more by the call drops than your laughter
Annoyed, I hang up
You send me a picture of the sandwich you had
I ignore
Hours later, I like your Insta post at the same sandwich place
A little tricky
This distance got to us.
Love in the age of internet.
Sure isn’t easy, what say?